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Socially MAD

  • Writer's pictureMadison Page

Click HERE if you have YET to Post on Social Media This Month!

📣 HELP! I haven’t posted to social media in so long...

I know what you’re thinking because I’ve been there too.

Balancing multiple aspects of your business can often push social media to the backseat, but you also understand how crucial it is for your business-

...but fear not because I’m here to lend a helping hand!

👉 Here’s a QUICK TIP to reclaim your posting consistency:

Repurposing is the practice of taking existing content, materials, or social media posts and reusing them in a new format or purpose.

Don’t stress over always creating brand-new content. Instead, make the most of what you already have.

Repurpose your existing blog posts, videos, or customer testimonials into a social media post.

Take a post that was successful a couple of months back and repost it. Post the exact post again or change up the format or cover photo.

Repurpose a post that wasn’t initially successful; just because a piece of content didn’t do well the first time, doesn’t mean it didn’t provide insightful information. Your audience consumes content in different ways.

👉 How Repurposing can Simplify your Content Planning:

Save Time: Repurposing content saves time by using what you already have instead of constantly creating new material.

Stay Consistent: It helps you maintain a consistent online presence without the pressure of constantly generating fresh content.

Reach More People: Repurposing allows you to reach new audiences by presenting your content in different formats or platforms.

Show Your Expertise: It lets you showcase your knowledge by presenting the same information in various ways, establishing your authority in your field.

Drive Traffic and Sales: By reaching more people and staying consistent, repurposing content can drive more traffic to your site and boost sales.


Posting consistently doesn't need to be complicated.

Follow @livesociallymad on social media to watch me prove it!

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